Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

(That is, if you celebrate American Thanksgiving.)

Well as you can imagine, this is quite a frenzy of activity today until the 4 o'clock meal. Even so, I am never too busy to remember all of the wonderful things in our lives for which we can thank God.

Here are just a few things that I am thankful for:

- Mr.W, safe at home

- Dogs Sandy and Pickle, as well as our newest addition, kitty Thundercat

- Good health

- Loving family

- A warm house to live in, food to eat every day and a car to drive.

- Friends--live and online--that are kind, sweet, supportive and uplifting.

Blessings to all this day and every day.

1 comment:

Lulu said...

I hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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