Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July Redneck Party

Edited 7/8/08 with some more photos according to requests in comments.

Well, the party Friday was a hit--we had about 25 guests in the backyard for a rootin' tootin' good time! It was pot luck, so we had lots of yummy additions brought by our wonderful friends and family, including hummous, black beans and rice with smoked sausage, a yummy macaroni salad that was utterly devoured, and dump cake that tasted just like pineapple upside-down cake! Yum!

The moon pie puddin' was a hit--it was just Mr.W's banana pudding layered with cut-up moon pies instead of those vanilla cookies.

I'm afraid my Brunswick Stew went begging, though. I think the day was just too hot to want something stew-ish.

We set the yard up with a sofa, coffee table and assorted lawn chairs all 'round. We offered a prize for the best 'redneck outfit,' which was fun--people did show up in their slippers and of course I sported my best curlers and house coat.

What I like best about the redneck party is that it's the opposite of fussy--people just show up and have a good time, eat off paper plates and enjoy the day with friends. What could be better than that?

Here is our youngest guest lounging in the kiddie pool; in the background is the deck with food set up.

My handsome brother.

Mr.W and I.


Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Oh, my goodness, what a riot. It might not be fussy and elegant, but I'll bet people had fun. I have a friend who likes to do things like that. It so embarrasses her adult daughter when she "acts up".


Anonymous said...

We demand more photos!! :)

Amanda said...

Joy--thanks! People did have fun, and so did we. Best of all, cleanup was quick! Yay!

Kathy--per your request, I've added more photos.

Mary--unfortunately I don't have a lot of photos from this event. Last week I travelled to Syracuse and accidentally left my camera at my aunt's house. It wasn't returned until late Friday evening, and by then the best photo ops were over. These photos were taken by my brother & his wife.

Anonymous said...

I can see if jenn got some pics for ya!!

Amanda said...

Well thanks, JB! I've got a few more of your little darling that I'll email y'all.

Anonymous said...

what a hoot! I love it.

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