Monday, March 31, 2008

Six-Word Memoir

Joy, the clever author of Joy of Desserts--a great blog that will satisfy any sweet tooth--has tagged me for a six-word memoir meme. The challenge is to describe myself in six words. That IS hard! But I'll give it a try:


Here are my tags, followed by the rules:

- Mary of Shazaam in the Kitchen, who is tremendously talented with a wit that entertains me to no end.

- Gloria, of Canela's Kitchen; Gloria is a blogger from Chile, with gorgeous photos, awesome recipes and a sweet personality that comes through in her writing. Plus she's recovering from knee surgery, so go on over and give her some bloggy love.

- Andy, The New Cook, who is ever-so-cleverly learning his way around the kitchen. He has a great blog that offers kitchen newbies step-by-step instructions.

- Coffee and Vanilla's brilliant author, Margot, who just celebrated 1 year of foodblogging with European and Caribbean flair.

- Green Gourmet Giraffe's Johanna of Melbourne, Australia. Her blog is always entertaining and inspiring, with lots of great recipes!

Rules for this meme:

- Write your own six-word memoir;

- Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like;

- Link to the person who tagged you in your post;

- Tag five more blogs with links;

- Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play.


Chris said...

Love the too!! (If you meant hair) Especially in this rain. Not enough product in the world!

Joy @ Joy Of Desserts said...

Glad you were willing to play along. I'll go visit your friends too. :-)

Amanda said...

Hey, Chris--oh yeah--rain or shine, my feathers are all over the place!

Thanks for tagging me, Joy--these memes are such fun.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link and kind words. I'll post it sometime later this week.

Johanna GGG said...

Thanks for tagging me Mrs W and for your kind words - 6 words is asking a lot of self-restraint so might need a bit of time to think about this one!

Amanda said...

Andy - I look forward to reading what six words you select to describe yourself. :D

Johanna - It was pretty hard for me to choose only 6, myself. Careful thought was required! :)

Coffee and Vanilla said...

Thank you for tagging me :)

Coffee and Vanilla said...

I have done it finally :)


Amanda said...

Margot--you are quite welcome! Thanks for playing along... I find these memes such a nice way to link to each other, share readership, and learn a bit about each other in this strage, anonymous blogosphere.

Johanna GGG said...

I've done it - and managed to write a lot about 6 words - probably bending the rules but that was a tough one! And fun too - thanks - post at

Jade B said...

I love how this meme encourages creativity.

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