Tuesday, January 29, 2008


There are so many food things rolling around in my mind, and my computer, and my camera yet to be blogged... so stay tuned for those!

Meanwhile, just a few miscellaneous bits.

Last week was a wonderful experience. Babysitting has got to be one of those things that I just adore doing. And helping friends. So by combining the two it was a really blessed week. My young charge was probably the easiest kid I've ever watched--no fussing, no arguments, no sassing. The boy is just good. He ate what I served him (even spaghetti squash), stayed pretty much self-motivated (ie, getting ready for school on time), kept his things away with little prompting, didn't have a melt-down while his parents were away... really, the dream babysitting job.

My house became a disaster while I was away. There is much to do. But instead of getting right to work this morning, I went straight to my email box (doesn't everyone?) and found a message from a friend and former co-worker.

She pointed out that the article for poliomyelitis eradication on wikipedia has a photo of our friend! How fun is that? One photo snapped while she was on assignment has been published worldwide--she is the poster child for polio eradication in action! You go, girl!

Well I have to get some things accomplished... I'll have a foodie post later today.

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