I dropped off Mr.W at the airport today. And to avoid becoming overly emotional, my wonderful brother and sister-in-law joined me. It's a road trip, after all, to the airport. And what better way to avoid anxiousness than shopping?
We found The Christmas Tree Shop. Oh. My. Word. There was just too much going on at this store to really absorb. Like a glorified Big Lots, the Christmas Tree Shop is full of, well, everything. Dishes. Ornaments. Stockings. Napkins. Paper plates. Spices. Tea. Doggie beds. Oh my, I could go on and on. It was a diversion that I enjoyed thoroughly.
But my poor brother got that glassy-eyed look as his wife and I browsed, oohing and aahing.

Then we went to the mall, and by the time we started for home it was dark out. Which really isn't that late--we were back in town by 7ish in the evening.
And I remembered I had a coupon for my grocery store--$5 off a total bill of $40 or more, that expired today. So I had to go... but it was a quick trip with my trusty list in hand. I can be a very focused shopper.
By the time I got home and let my poor little doggies out, it was about 8:30 and I hadn't had any food since noon.
I whipped up this very quick salad. It's a cross between a carrot salad and a waldorf salad, and well worth it. Although it's a bit on the sweet side, for a light bite, it's just right paired with a simple piece of meat or poultry. I ate it with about 1/3 of a rather large poached chicken breast.

Carrot-Waldorf Salad
serves 4
2 carrots, peeled and shredded
1 apple, peeled, cored and shredded (I used a Golden Delicious)
2 tablspoons apple cider
2 tablespoons honey (I used agave nectar)
1/4 cup sliced almonds
1/4 cup dried cranberries
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
pinch salt
Combine all ingredients together in a bowl and cover surface with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.
Starting now and for the duration of my husband's business trip, please do accept my apologies for the photo quality. He's taken our digital camera, and I'm now limited to my cell-phone camera. And as you might know, they're hit-or-miss!
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