Monday, September 17, 2007

More Zucchini

Well I was given more garden produce from friends--another giant zucchini, as well as several beautiful tomatoes that were just a tad beyond their peak of freshness.

(The above photo is not mine.)

I already have several cups of shredded zucchini in the freezer. As for the tomatoes--I cooked them down into a spaghetti sauce. I don't really have a sauce recipe--I made it basically the same as my Spicy Italian Ketchup, except without cooking it down to a ketchup-y consistency.
I decided to slice this zucchini down for a vegetable lasagne--the lasagne replacing the noodles, of course using the homemade sauce. I'll be cooking it for a ladies' luncheon I'm hosting tomorrow, so I'll let you know how that goes.


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